Thank you for the comment. It is the fact that there are the same idea products are selling in the market. However, most solutions are using the static power charging method such as CN3722 which is not efficient, according to the MPPT point will be changed by the temperature. We are seeking a better solution from the P&O method and the static method in our real environment.
Last edited 3 years ago by MA, Tsz Hin
FAN, Zhiyong
January 19, 2022 2:31 pm
This can be useful, how much it is better than the existing solution in market?
In the existing solution in the market, a single-axis solar tracker always depends on two light-dependent resistors. However, if the intensity level of light of both LDRs is the same, solar tracking cannot track. Therefore, using a current sensor can be more accurate for generating more power. By comparing the last current value and previous current by moving servo-motor. For an MPPT solar charger, most solar charging ICs are based on the open voltage method such as BQ24650 and CN3722 are based on the open voltage method, which tracks the fixed value of the Vmp method. However, the Vmp is always changed based on the temperature. In our project, We use a P&O charging method for solving this problem.
Is there any existing commercial product using your approach?
Thank you for the comment. It is the fact that there are the same idea products are selling in the market. However, most solutions are using the static power charging method such as CN3722 which is not efficient, according to the MPPT point will be changed by the temperature. We are seeking a better solution from the P&O method and the static method in our real environment.
This can be useful, how much it is better than the existing solution in market?
In the existing solution in the market, a single-axis solar tracker always depends on two light-dependent resistors. However, if the intensity level of light of both LDRs is the same, solar tracking cannot track. Therefore, using a current sensor can be more accurate for generating more power. By comparing the last current value and previous current by moving servo-motor. For an MPPT solar charger, most solar charging ICs are based on the open voltage method such as BQ24650 and CN3722 are based on the open voltage method, which tracks the fixed value of the Vmp method. However, the Vmp is always changed based on the temperature. In our project, We use a P&O charging method for solving this problem.