Project Selection Guidelines

Final year students who have completed at least “three out of four 2000 level foundation courses” & “one 3000 level area course” with passing grades are allowed to join this project selection exercise and start their final year project (FYP).

Should you have any questions about your UG study (start FYP/FYT or not, why you’re not on the mailing list ‘’, please contact

        Assistant Manager (ELEC):           Ms Agnes Wong,
        Assistant Manager (CPEG):          Ms Vicky Yuen,

Students who will join exchange / internship / leave from study

Students who opt for Research Option (BEng(ELEC)(Research Option)

  • If you have register / will register in the Reserach Option (-HR), you have to take Final Year Thesis (FYT).
  • Other students with strong reserach interests could discuss with the faculty member who has posted a FYT in the system.

Group Size

Final Year Design Project (FYP) Final Year Thesis (FYT)
1-3 students
1 student


Date Note
2022 Apr 20 (Wednesday), 7:30-8:30pm
Information Seminar
2022 Apr 21 (Thursday), 0:01am
Project Descriptions Released to Students
2022 Apr 27 (Wednesday), 0:01am
Project Registration Opens
2022 May 10 (Tuesday), 23:59pm
Project Registration Deadline

Project Selection Procedure

  1. An email will be sent to potential students regarding the information of 2022-2023 FYP/FYT.

  2. FYP vs FYT: decide whether you will take FYP or FYT.

  3. FYP Management System opens on 21 Apr 2022. Students can login -to view project description. Students are encouraged to meet the project supervisor and discuss the listed project (and/or your self-proposed project).

  4. Login to FYP Management System to form group.

  5. Login in to FYP Management System to apply for project(s) on 27 Apr 2022.  Please read the guide carefully before you apply for the project.
    **The choices is just a wish list for supervisors’ reference, it is NOT a priority. All selected project will have a chance to be committed by the supervisor. Once you are committed to a project, you are NOT allowed to withdraw and make change to group structure.

  6. Faculty will login and select group. Note that your are committed to an FYP/FYT once your request is accepted. The earlier you make the commitment between you and the project advisor, the better your chances are of getting your favorable project.

  7. Further details regarding next year FYP are being finalized and will be shared once available.