Senior Project Lab (Room 3125A)/PC Lab (Room 4225C)

LAB Technician
Senior Project Lab

Mr Peter Nam

Tel: 3469 2861

PC Lab

Mr Joseph Cheng

Tel: 2358 7086

Students can use their student smart card to enter the Senior Project Lab. (Room 3125A) and the PC Lab. (Room 4225C) during the following period:

All students should be aware that circumstances and policies may change as needed in response to the pandemic situation.

Senior Project Lab (Room 3125A) PC Lab (Room 4225C)
18 July 2022 – 29 May 2023
18 July 2022 – 29 May 2023

If you need to access to other labs, you are required to fill out the Lab Door Access Authorization Form and submitted it to Room 3130 for further process.

  • Students cannot access Senior Project Lab. (Room 3125A) or other ECE Labs after the above-mentioned closing date.
  • If you need to access the labs after the closing date, please seek supervisor’s support and send the request to Mr. Peter Nam along with your name, student ID number and period of extension.

Locker/clearing locker in Senior Project Lab(Room 3125A)

  • FYP students will NOT be allowed to access to the Senior Project Lab (Room 3125A) after the closing date. Please ensure you have cleared everything out before then, especially your belongings inside the lockers in Room 3125A.

Please note that graduates will not be allowed to collect their degree diplomas from ARO Office if they have any outstanding dues with the Department. Thus, please take note of the above deadlines and return every item to the Department promptly.