Join an exchange/internship program in Fall Term

Prospective FYP students who intend to join an exchange or internship program for 1 term in Fall Term, please note that:

In general, students are NOT advised to work on a FYP during their exchange/internship period in view of the changes of student status.

For those who would like to proceed MUST follow these instructions to make a request. All other forms of request will NOT be considered.

FYP supervisor should directly send the supporting letter containing below items to FYP coordinator:

Students may contact related persons via email: 

IMPORTANT: Before accepting the offer, students should be aware that their FYP registrations (2021-2022 FYP) will be CANCELLED automatically at the time they are away for the exchange program or taking leave from study for internship program, notwithstanding the project work has begun or not, and students are required to take FYP in 2022-2023 academic year (2022-2023 FYP) UNLESS the supporting letter/email from project supervisor and prior approval from the Department have been sought.

** All requests will be considered on case-by-case basis **